Let the piece dry slowly, don't stick it in the fridge to cool it down or it could shatter due to major temperature changes. Then once you are done getting most of the resin out, take the piece out.

Then using tongues place the piece gently in the water and shake it around without touching the edges of the pot so you don't crack it or anything. Just enough to completely cover the piece. What you gotta do is get some water boiling on the stove. This will stink up the house unless you have good ventilation. When I do this with a well resinated bowl, I can usually get a fat ass bowl pack.
Manual De Reemplazos De Componentes Electronicos Ecg on this page. Now leave the resin out to dry for maybe 15 to 20 minutes. Now take the water you boiled and get a funnel and put a coffee filter in it and strain the water and the resin will stay in the filter.

Does anyone know an effective way to getting the resin out of the downstem and bowl and still being able to smoke said resin right after? Is there any secret to hitting the resin that i dont know about or cleaning it out so i could pack it in a bowl? I cant use rubbing alcohol now. Regarding the spoon, i have tried hits from the carb aswell as just a regular hit with no success. Well iv been smoking a lot from my spoon and bong lately and have noticied quite a nice build up of resin in both the downstem, bowl, and my spoon. By 'what do you do with it' I'm not asking if you do or don't smoke it, since pretty much 99% of people who've smoked crack go straight for the resin when all the rocks are gone. You can then go in after a few minutes with something to scrape it out and also dump that in the water. One of the easier ways is to dump your pipe into boiling water on the stove, after awhile the resin should start coming out and settling at the bottom. I know you can snort crack, but can you shoot it up too? TIPS ON RESIN HITTING? NEVER hit resin bowls lol well i only hit like 3 bowls in my life i am in the process of getting a acrylic piece more of a blunt man. Can you shoot up Crack Cocaine? I am trying to write a short story about a homeless druggie, and I don't know that much about drugs.